How to Update Fedora on New Hardware Dns

Fedora 35 released with GNOME 41, new Kinoite flavor, tool chain updates and moderate new features. Here in this guide, we give you lot the step-by-step instructions on how to upgrade to Fedora 35 from Fedora 34 via GUI and CLI method.

Upgrading Fedora 35
Upgrading Fedora 35

There are two ways y'all tin can upgrade – a) Graphical Method (GUI) b) Control Line Method (CLI). You can follow either of them. But there are additional prerequisites which you should follow before starting the upgrade process.

Steps to follow before Upgrade

  • Open GNOME software application and check for any pending updates. Or, open a final and run the following command to make certain your system is up-to-date.
sudo dnf update
  • After the above command is complete, do a reboot of your system. Because Fedora applies certain updates during restarts.
  • Take backups of your files in your home directory – thousand. Pictures, Downloads, Documents, etc. You tin copy them separately in any external USB/storage or go on them in a deject backup.
  • Make sure you disable all GNOME extensions (this is for GNOME desktop just). Because over the months you lot may have installed many extensions, and they might not work well with GNOME 41. Open the Extensions Flatpak app and disable. So, open up the GNOME Tweak tool and disable all the extensions to exist on the safe side.
  • Cheque out the mutual Fedora 35 bugs folio if there are any ongoing issues with the upgrade procedure that might cause problem.
  • Also, the Upgrade procedure takes fourth dimension (in hours), then make sure you have stable cyberspace and time available for the upgrade to complete.

How to Upgrade to Fedora 35 from Fedora 34 Workstation

Graphical Method (GUI)

Once the Fedora 35 released officially, you lot should be getting a notification that an upgrade is available for your Fedora 34 workstation system. If yous are not getting whatever notification, wait for a day or two after the release. Information technology totally depends on mirrors and servers.

Click on the notification, which opens up the GNOME Software (for GNOME desktop version).

Still, if the notification is not at that place, open the GNOME Software app and go to the Updates tab, and you should see a bulletin proverb that Fedora 35 is bachelor (something like below).

Fedora 34 Upgrade Prompt in Software
Fedora 34 Upgrade Prompt in Software

Choose Download to fetch the required packages and look until it finishes. One time completed, click restart from the GNOME Software to restart your system and consummate the upgrade process.

Command Line (CLI) method to Upgrade to Fedora 35

Yous tin follow the below steps right now, even if Fedora 35 is not yet released.

If yous are comfy with the command line, you tin use the dnf upgrade control to perform the upgrade process.

Open upwardly the terminal and run the below command:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

This command volition refresh the packages for the new upgrade stream to get ready for Fedora 35.

Next, install the dnf upgrade plugin by running the beneath control. This is required for the upgrade procedure.

sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-arrangement-upgrade

Brand sure your organization is up-to-date by running the below command and install any necessary pending updates. Do it once once again (if yous accept done it via pre-upgrade steps)

sudo dnf --refresh upgrade

Initiate the download procedure past running the below control. This command will fetch all required packages and salve them locally before the upgrade.

sudo dnf arrangement-upgrade download --releasever=35

If yous installed a lot of packages, applications manually and not sure whether they are properly supported by Fedora 35 and so run the above command with "–allowerasing" flag. When you lot provide this, dnf volition remove the packages that are blockers for your organization upgrade.

The above command displays what is going to exist replaced, updated, upgraded, or downgraded. Something like below. Carefully glance through the list if you want to review the list. Or, y'all can just check the red-marked items and start the upgrade procedure.

dnf showing replaced package during upgrade
dnf showing replaced package during upgrade

Call back, the download size ideally is in GB, then information technology might have some time based on your cyberspace speed.

Total upgrade size for Fedora 35
Total upgrade size for Fedora 35

After the higher up command is complete, run the below command to start the bodily upgrade.

sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

The system will reboot automatically and wait until the entire upgrade procedure completes. As I mentioned earlier, this might have time in terms of hours depending on your system hardware, hence be patient.

If all goes well, yous will be greeted with a brand new Fedora 35 system.

Post Install steps

After the upgrade is complete, you can run the following commands to clean upwardly the organization via terminal. The following command removes cached metadata and transactions used for the upgrade procedure.

sudo dnf system-upgrade make clean
sudo dnf clean packages

This should conclude the process to Upgrade to Fedora 35 from Fedora 34.

In example yous run into issues, brand sure to reach out to the Fedora forum or AskFedora for help. Yous can likewise check the troubleshooting guide.

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